Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Adventures of Huckelberry Finn #1

As this school year has come to an end i have chosen to read the classic novel "The Adventures of Huckelberry Finn" by Mark Twain. After all the books i have read for school or just for personal enjoyment, this has become one of my favorites as I continue to read it. I enjoyed the prequel to this novel "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" which was part of the reason I was so interested to jump into this novel. Although Tom Sawyer was the main protagonist in the last book, Huckelberry Finn was my favorite character throughout that novel. In the sequel "The Adventures of Huckelberry Finn" the focus shifts to Huck as he ponders on how to spend his new found fortune which he made at the end of the last novel from stealing gold bars. At the start of this novel Huck is adopted by Widow Douglas and Miss Watson. They are two wealthy sisters from the town of St. Petersburg who attempt to teach Huck manners and make him go to church. When they are made aware of his new fortune which he attained at the end of the last novel, the adventure begins. I am very curious to see what direction this novel goes in from here. After reading the last novel I am expecting another wild adventure that leaves Huck out on his own away from society. This initiates the theme of childhood and breaking away from society which can be seen in the prequel to this novel. So far i am very enticed with this classic book and can't seem to put it down. I have just reached the part of the novel where Huck's drunken father returns to the town to demand money and custody of Huck. I can only imagine what will happen next.

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