Friday, March 21, 2014

The Hobbit #1

The book i am currently reading is the Hobbit. I decided to jump into this classic novel because i have always enjoyed the Lord of the Rings movies but have never taken time to read the novels. This novel already has me enticed as i continue to learn more about Bilbo and his ancestry at the start of the book. When Bilbo is approached by the wizard, Gandalf, I knew some sort of adventure or quest was to come.  When Gandalf returns the following day with the dwarves and Thorin I was surprised that they would chose Bilbo as the one help them steal the jewels and get past the dragon guarding them. One thing i noticed about this book is that for being a heroic/adventurous theme there is still much humor in the dialogue. Novels with this theme typically have a more serious tone which is why I believe I will enjoy this book. I like Tolkien's approach to this novel and the fantasy world he has eased us into. At the start of the next chapter Biblo seems relieved that Gandalf and the dwarves have left without him. Im sure he would rather take no part in this adventure but of course, Gandalf returns and rushes him to the Green Dragon Inn where I assume this journey will start. Bilbo's hesitance to go on the journey and reluctant mood makes me curious on how this character will turn out to be a hero. It seems that Bilbo is an underdog facing an unbeatable task.

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