Sunday, November 24, 2013

Where are you Going, Where Have You Been?

After reading this short story I was left confused, unamused, and shocked. I can honestly say the plot lacked excitement and suspense. This short story begins explaining to us Connie is a free spirited young girl with a lack of morals. She seems uninterested in her family and important values and her life and more about having a good time with her friends. Maybe this would explain why she decided to get in a car with two adult strangers? I feel like the end of this short story lacked purpose and meaning. Why would she get in a car with this Arnold Friend who is more than likely a pedophile? As for Ellie, I don't even want to know his intentions or purpose for being in this whole scenario. As the story progressed from the beginning we learn that Connie's parents and her sister were unaware of what she was doing for the most part. I guess this sheds some light on the meaning behind the title of this story. "Where are you going, Where have you been?" is the exact question Connie's parents should have been asking her as she went out for hours on end with her friends at the mall and the walk in restaurant where she apparently met these fine young men who showed up at her doorstep one day. Overall, I can say i was shocked by the ending. I don't know if Arnold just managed to brainwash Connie into believing he was her lover or she just simply didn't know the danger of going somewhere with strangers. Wherever they decided to do with her i don't imagine it was good. However, I guess we will never know the answer or the reason to where are you going? Where have you been?

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