Sunday, December 15, 2013

Tony Story #1

This novel by Meek mill opens with two teenage boys Ty and Tony, growing up in a bad section of north Philadelphia. The struggle these two boys go through is made clear right at the beginning of the  novel when the two boys express their envy of a child they see riding a new bike. Ty and Tony walk along market street as they talk about the violence and crime that they despise in their city, yet they feel like they have no way to escape being apart of it. Im curious to find out about the family life of either of these boys which im sure will be touched on later in the story. Im interested in the lifestyle portrayed by these two teenage boys and also the the hardships they will face in living in such a violent neighborhood. Although i cannot relate to the boys in a sense of living in a bad area, i can appreciate their accomplishments in knowing that they are at such a disadvantage. Im curious to see whether they choose to indulge in the crime and violence which many of their friends and even family play a role in, or will they choose to break the cycle and make something of themselves. I can already sense this novel will be very suspenseful and unpredictable. I believe that these two close friends will soon go their seperate ways, or perhaps, even be enemies.